Overview of Knee Treatment Options Tool

If you have osteoarthritis / osteoarthrosis of the knee and you're wondering what treatment options are available then consider this interactive tool. 

You answer 6 simple questions to determine what type of options, surgical or non-surgical, may be applicable to the created scenario. Treatment options are presented and decribed for 864 individual scenarios.

Before you begin:

Please review the RATIONALE for using this tool at the left and review the overview of the questions below, before following the link at the bottom of the page.

Question 1 relates to classification:

You may need to ask a doctor how to best describe the pattern of osteoarthrosis of the knee that is of interest to you.

(For your convenience, representative X-rays of these conditions are available by following the links above.)

Questions 2-6 relate to age, pain, current and desired activity levels, and the presence of locking/catching or giving way of the knee.

After answering the questions:

The scenario you've indicated in your answers will generate a listing and description of treatment options that may be applicable, as well as comments on the applicability, reflecting Dr. Smit's preference and opinion.

Click for Knee Treatment Options tool >>


This decision analysis tool provides detailed information, pertinent to a given knee condition and relevant patient factors. This to allow more specific assessment of the value of the various management options for osteoarthrosis of the knee for a specified scenario.

This is NOT meant to be a tool to determine what the best treatment is for an individual patient. Such a decision must be made through discussion between the patient and the treating health care providers.

All Treatments

The list of all the treatment options addressed is also available without considering any particular scenario.

Remember, this list of treatment options contains all treatment options and not just those that may or may not pertain to your osteoarthritic knee condition.

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