If you have osteoarthritis / osteoarthrosis of the knee and you're wondering what treatment options are available then consider this interactive tool.
You answer 6 simple questions to determine what type of options, surgical or non-surgical, may be applicable to the created scenario. Treatment options are presented and decribed for 864 individual scenarios.
Before you begin:
Please review the RATIONALE for using this tool at the left and review the overview of the questions below, before following the link at the bottom of the page.
Question 1 relates to classification:
You may need to ask a doctor how to best describe the pattern of osteoarthrosis of the knee that is of interest to you.
(For your convenience, representative X-rays of these conditions are available by following the links above.)
Questions 2-6 relate to age, pain, current and desired activity levels, and the presence of locking/catching or giving way of the knee.
After answering the questions:
The scenario you've indicated in your answers will generate a listing and description of treatment options that may be applicable, as well as comments on the applicability, reflecting Dr. Smit's preference and opinion.
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